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Sunday, October 17, 2010

good things come to those who wait!

soooo i must first start by apologizing for taking so long to update everyone since my last post!

things have been going well and i have found that there is little time for me to be bored, hence the lack of posting. last weekend, my dear friend chris(toph)er michael dempsey came to visit me! we went to a brewery, got to tour the jelly belly factory, made new friends at karaoke, and spent some time at the lakefront and on main street. nothing too terribly exciting, but it was sooooo nice to have a familiar face around and reminisce about all the silly/funny/crazy things that we did in college :)

having a visitor really made me think about and appreciate how lucky i am to have so many good people in my life. while many of them may not be near me right now, it is still nice to know that even from far away, i have a lot of support. it makes being away a little easier and gives me reassurance that what i am doing is worthwhile.

nothing too terribly exciting or interesting has happened at work lately. just doing my cath thing, trying to the kids to love/not hate science :)

i talked with another friend this past week about a job opportunity that has come up for him that would require him to move away from his family for 3 years. he is hesitant, which is completely understandable, but i still think he should do it! talking with him also gave me some clarity on my journey and what i am doing with my work here, so for that i am grateful. so i thought i would include the convo that we had (with his persmission of course!). i think it pretty much sums up where i am at right now...

me: have you thought anymore about your job thing
friend: its all im thinking about
me: i would do it. but thats me. if you dont think you will be happy, then its not worth it.
friend: idk if ill be happy. all i keep hearing is you saying "you cant live your life in fear"
me: i do always say that!
friend: i know and i keep on saying "damn you catherine
me: yea you cant decide without some time
friend: i know. i really dont know what im thinking. its like my mind is racing.
me: thats fair. i completely freaked out when i heard that i could be agreeing to move to wisconsin.
friend: i know. and youve calmed down
me: right...the best thing about people is that we are resilient. even though you think you cant you most likely can.
friend: but what happpens if i get there and everyone i work with is 40 and married?
me: then they are 40 and married. you just have to decide whats more important to you right now...having a job or being around other people. and it sucks that you have to decide between those things but unfortunately thats the decision you have to make.
friend: true
me: its annoying...i hate making decisions!
friend: yeh. like i happy are you?
me: there are days where i completely love what i am doing. and there are days when i dont. but then i think that if i were doing something else that would still happen
and i just have to trust and know that while this may not be what i had planned or what i saw myself doing its where im supposed to be right now. its not forever and experience is never a bad thing.
friend: yeh true
me: i mean think about all the other times in your life when you didnt want to do something bc you were worried you would be lonely. it always works out.
friend: true. ok i think i can do this.
me: yes you can!
friend: i can have a blog too!!!
me: yes...and be famous!

there you have it...inspiring the world one blog at a time :)

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