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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

back to basics

a VERY quick little update...

the first full week i was back in racine, the center hosted a "back to basics" camp for 20 middle school students. the mornings were spent reviewing basic skills in reading, math, and writing, and the afternoon was spent going on field trips and working with a program that lets the kids build and program their own robots- so fun! :)

i was able to teach the math part of the week, which was a good learning experience. we spent five days reviewing everything you would want to know (or could care less about) regarding fractions. i tried to make it fun so i hope it worked!

overall the kids were really great. it was nice to see some of the kids from last year and get to know some new students who may come to the center once school starts. it was definitely a nice way to start off round 2.

here are some pictures from the week. more updates coming soonnnnnn

Sunday, August 21, 2011

racine, wisconsin...take two!

i'm back in the midwest! part of me still cant believe i am saying it, especially when i think about the beginning of my journey as a lasallian volunteer. but there is also a big part of me that is not the least bit surprised that i am back for another year of service after having experienced so many great things last year.

tomorrow we start our "back to basics" camp week with 20 middle school students. we are going to spend the mornings working with them on reading, math, and writing, and use the afternoons to take them on some trips and have them work with a technology group on building and programming robots- pretty cool! :)

i am responsible for creating and teaching the math lessons for the week so that should be a good experience to get me to challenge myself to plan lessons, see what goes well, what doesnt work, and practice teaching to a group of students instead of just working with the students in small groups or one on one.

nothing too terribly exciting to report yet. today i spent the afternoon at the beach until a GIANT cloud rolled in and ruined my fun :(

i am excited for this year to start! i really feel like i am able to better understand my purpose here when i am able to interact with the students. we have some new students coming for the camp and some who i worked with last year. regardless, i can assure you that my blogging will be much more frequent and interesting once i begin to hang out with them :) until then...adios amigos!